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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Momma Makes the News

Momma Screech and the screech owl cam made the NJ Star Ledger this morning. Here is a link to the on-line version of the article about nature and zoo cams:

Unfortunately, the on-line version did not include the beautiful photograph of Momma peeking out of the nest box that was taken by their staff photographer, Saed Hindash. I will try to find a copy of the photo or take the liberty of scanning it later in the day.

It's a pretty good article. I would just stress and expand on the quote he took from the interview with me that says "It's something people can't normally see." Those of you who have been following this blog, and the cam, over the last couple of weeks while the young were growing up, know that there is no way to ever experience the joy of watching a wild animal in the way the nature cam allows. A wild screech owl or eagle will abandon its young if humans intrude on the young too many times. It has always been, and will always be, my goal to disturb wildlife as little as absolutely possible to share it with the public.

That said, my wife commented a couple of times that "do you mean all of this has been going on outside our window for 4 years!" It is true. In past years, we did not know when the eggs were laid, how many eggs she laid, how many times a night they were fed (some nights more than 100 times), or how many owlets there were until they fledged (and then only a minimum number since Momma is very good at hiding them).

For those joining this blog and the camera as a result of the article welcome. Unfortunately, the owlets will be fledging soon but watch closely until they do.

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