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Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Blog!

This blog was created to share with you the life of an Eastern Screech Owl.  The box is located approximately 40 feet from our deck and she has raised young there for 4 years.  Until I put the camera in the nest box this winter, however, I knew very little about what was going on in her life.  Sometimes I would see her peeking out of the box just before dark or just as the sun came up but she would quickly pull her head in and pretend we didn't know she was there.  When the young fledged, the male would join her and protect his brood by dramatically announcing his presence.  This year is different--I will be watching.  I will be adding both future happenings and recalling past events from notes over the next few weeks as her eggs hatch and the young grow.  I hope you enjoy and learn along with me.

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